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How To Optimize Your Copywriting, For Ads.

Writer's picture: Christian DiamantisChristian Diamantis

Updated: Apr 20, 2024

Copywriting refers to the act of writing persuasive sales-oriented texts, often used in the world of advertising and media, to encourage readers to take a specific action. While images, videos, and audio recordings are not considered copy, any written form of advertising is.

In particular, the term "copy" is commonly used to describe persuasive sales-writing that aims to convince potential customers to buy a product, sign up for a service, or take any other desired action.

There are two main types of copywriting:

Direct response and indirect response. Direct response copywriting is focused on getting a response from the reader immediately, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Indirect response copywriting, on the other hand, is used to build brand awareness and create a positive association with a company or product. Examples of indirect response advertising include impressive graphics, witty slogans, and branding efforts by large companies like Coca-Cola or Mercedes.

While indirect response advertising may have its benefits for larger companies, direct-response advertising is considered to be a more effective form of advertising. To qualify as direct-response advertising, the copy must include a discrete, specific, and trackable call-to-action.

For instance, an advertisement for a real estate agent that links to a free guide for increasing the value of a home contains a single, specific, and trackable offer: after viewing the ad, the viewer can either choose to download the guide or not.

Direct-response copywriting is more effective than traditional advertising because it enables advertisers to track the impact of each and every advertisement. Advertisements written in the direct-response style often include compelling headlines, long-form copy, and subordinate creatives.

How To Craft Effective Advertising Copy:

David Ogilvy's Rolls Royce advertisement is a renowned instance of direct-response copywriting that underscores the significance of research in advertising.

Before writing this ad, Ogilvy spent three weeks conducting extensive research on Rolls Royce. He spoke with their engineers, interacted with their current customers, and studied their manufacturing process. Interestingly, Ogilvy borrowed the headline from the Technical Editor of an automotive magazine, which contributed to the ad's success.

How To Research Your Client:

Performing thorough research on your client is a crucial aspect of creating effective advertising copy. An excellent opportunity to conduct initial research is during your agency's onboarding process. If you use an onboarding form to gather information from your new clients, it's important to include questions that address the following:

  • What is your existing customer profile?

  • What does your ideal customer look like?

  • How do your customers spend their time?

  • What media do they consume?

  • What do they care about?

These questions can also be asked during your initial strategy call with the client. It's beneficial to have the copywriter attend this call, if possible, to be able to speak with the client directly and ask any relevant questions. By conducting thorough research, you can gain valuable insights into your client's target audience and create copy that effectively addresses their needs and desires.

How To Write A Compelling Headline:

Headlines are a crucial element of Facebook advertising, as they are almost always visible and the most significant aspect of an ad. While Facebook ads can come in various formats, the headline plays a pivotal role in capturing the attention of viewers.

Why is the headline so important? Studies show that 80% of people do not proceed beyond the headline, and the headline is five times more likely to be viewed than the body copy. As a result, your headline represents your best opportunity to entice Facebook users to read the rest of your ad, including your call-to-action.

Therefore, it is crucial to spend time crafting a compelling headline that piques the interest of your target audience, clearly communicates the benefit of your product or service, and motivates them to take the desired action. By prioritizing your headline, you can increase the effectiveness of your Facebook advertising campaign and achieve your desired results.

The good news is that headlines are one of the most extensively researched elements of media, used not only in advertising but also in traditional news outlets. This means that there are established guidelines for creating a compelling headline that captures the reader's attention.

One key approach is to use power words, which are difficult to define but convey emotion and create intrigue. For example, the headline "How to Write Killer Facebook Ads" includes the word "killer," which makes a bold statement and captures the reader's interest.

Another effective technique is to use how-to headlines, which promise the reader valuable information and increase the likelihood that they will read the rest of the ad. Additionally, creating a curiosity gap can be effective by introducing a concept or theory in the headline and leaving the reader wanting to learn more by reading the body copy. For instance, a headline like "Foods You Should Never Eat to Lose Weight" creates a sense of intrigue and entices the reader to explore the content further.

What Goes In Your Body Copy?

After crafting an attention-grabbing headline, the next step is to lead the reader through the body copy and towards the call-to-action. For many copywriters, this can be the most challenging part of the advertising process, as most ads contain concise, snappy slogans.

To be effective, it's recommended that you write at least three paragraphs of continuous prose that engage, entertain, inform, and persuade your reader. One effective strategy is to use storytelling, which is a powerful form of advertising that humans naturally respond to. By incorporating stories into your copy, you can captivate your audience and increase the chances of persuading them to take the desired action.

It's also important to stress the benefits of your product or service, rather than simply listing its features. Economist Theodore Levitt once famously said, "People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill, they want a quarter-inch hole." This means that people are looking for the benefits of a product, not just its features. For example, if you're promoting a new face mask, focus on how it can provide clear skin, rather than just stating that it contains salicylic acid. By emphasizing the benefits, you can create a more compelling message that resonates with your target audience.

The Call To Action And The Importance:

Crafting an effective call-to-action is crucial for the success of your ad, and it's often the last hurdle that many advertisers struggle with.

On Facebook, the call-to-action is displayed with a clear and defined button, with preset options like 'Sign Up' or 'Book Now.' While selecting the right option is essential, it's equally crucial to provide a compelling reason for your readers to click on the call-to-action.

To create an effective call-to-action, emphasize the benefits of taking the desired action and provide a clear incentive for doing so. Use persuasive language and create a sense of urgency to motivate the reader to take action immediately. For instance, a call-to-action like "Sign up now and receive a free e-book" offers a clear incentive and creates a sense of urgency.

Finally, ensure that the call-to-action is prominently displayed and easy to find within the ad. By following these guidelines, you can create a powerful call-to-action that motivates your target audience to take the desired action and achieve your advertising goals.

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